Our super fun holiday programs let your child stretch beyond what we can achieve in after-school classes. Keep them happy and busy exploring painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, clay and more!
​Good to know:
Classes are held at:
The Newmarket Hall, Ashgrove Ave, Ashgrove - Tues 21st and Wednesday 22nd January.
Woolloongabba Substation, Woolloongabba - Thurs 23rd January.
Children can book in for one session, multiple sessions, full days or multiple days.
How to book:
Book in below by adding all sessions you would like your child to attend to your cart, and checking out in one transaction.
To book for more than one child, adjust the quantity before 'Adding to Cart'. For example, if booking two children in for session 1 on Tues 21st January, ensure the quantity of that session is set to 2 before adding it to your cart.
Once all desired sessions are added to cart, you can check out in one transaction.
Bookings for two or more full days will receive 15% off.
Following your purchase, you will receive an enrolment form via email.
Any questions - get in touch!